Hell's Gates was not a successful album. It was decietful because of the name, and the songs weren't as heavy as expected, and it also had only 3 tracks on it. "It was a let-down." admitted Krim. Satan's Angels decided to redeem itself after the tragedy and went straight to recording a new album, Shadow of The Pentagram, which they played at the Harmonix Arena in June. The difference? That new album is a screamo album. "I decided we should change our sound for this new one." says bassist Strobel Schrodinger. "We're still a nuclear metal band, but our frontman wanted to lean a little more to the death metal side."
The changed sound proved popular and successful. Shadow of The Pentagram made a dramatic increase in sales. It opens up with "We Are Everything" and ends with "Ego Sum Deus". For fun, they decided that on the album, they were going to add a live cover of the Iron Maiden song "Wrathchild". The album came out the day after Harmonix Arena. Their classics will still remain. At small gigs, you can catch them playing older songs that we all love. "It's true we won't change our sound completely since my nuclear metal tone has attached to me." says Francois.
The next album releasing later this year (and yes, that does make it the 3rd album released this year) will be called Outnumbered, another death metal screamo album. "It's actually kinda mixed if you think about it." says Dan. "Our old sound remains on some tracks like "Crawl" and "Waiting Since I Don't Know When." The album pretty much goes from heavy to light, making it distinct metal. The song starts off with the demonic tone of "Fear Thy Maker." That's all for today, see you next time!
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