Sunday, April 22, 2012

Bloody Harvest 2012

BLOODY HARVEST 2012!!!!! Yeah, I am so hyped for the new album by Satan's Angels. It came out earlier this month during the spring break, and of course, I got it right away. It's really just called Bloody Harvest. Taking its title from a Richard Kunzmann book with the same name, singer Francois Boumoussa delivers vicious vocal lines as he and rhythm guitarist Rob Lapiedra show off some furious fretwork and Strobel  
Schrodinger gives off some heavy bass while drummer Dan Lee adds merciless beats. The first song, "From The Outside" begins with a dark and creepy intro and then moves into a hard riff. "In that song, it sounds as if I was actually going to lose my voice" said Francois, in one of his videos. "I wasn't in the mood to record that day since it was hot, and I was slightly dehydrated." He and Rob harmonize in the chorus riff as Rob plays heavy chords and Francois plays a lead riff to match it. Then it moves into the relentlessness of "Faceless", where Strobel laid down the law with his boosted bass. "I will admit that I raised the volume a wee bit in the verse" he said in a jokingly manner. "It all really mattered what Dan was doing. He composes most of our songs to begin with anyway. Whatever his drum line sounds like, we work with. Without him, I don't exist as a bassist." He laughed a bit there, since "Without him, I don't exist" is referencing one of the lyrics in the song. Francois screams a throat searing vocal solo like he usually does. "Lie To Me(Denial)" is definitely my favorite song off the album. Rob explained how the song was meant to sound like, because he composed a brutal rhythm guitar line with Strobel. "We first thought of it to be an acoustic song, since it's about a breakup where the ex girlfriend just can't seem to get over her ex boyfriend. But we decided to leave an acoustic version for another time." Rob first had the idea of a breakup song, but turned to Francois to write the lyrics. The climatic point in the album was when they put "Fight Inside" from the 2 track No More Tears in there. It was the alternate studio version. Francois tells us "Fight Inside was a very good song, and I will say it has the potential to be a very heavy song, so we redid it with a nuclear metal tone to it. It turned out very good, especially at the Nothing and Everything part." Fight Inside's redeux was fantastic. The following track "Overtake You" was very different from the rest of their songs. It was more fast paced and the drums were just moshable. "Who We Are" was the track that followed that. The beginning was what got people into it. Francois uses a serration pedal on his guitar and Dan plays a drum beat similar to a military march. "The song title sounded to me like a military song, so I opened it up with a tone that sounded like soldiers doing a drill march." Not that I'm complaining. They still have a sense of humor, leaving the song "Already Over" as the final track. Puns still give me headaches. But this album sure didn't give me one. Go download it on ReverbNation or buy it in a store near you!