Tuesday, November 22, 2011

So here it is

Outnumbered came out earlier this month, and I got it right away. My opinion was it was by far their best studio album ever. A reporter from a metal magazine decided to take a rewind with them back to the very beginning. Let's start this off for you guys. It all began in 2007. Francois Boumoussa was in his 6th grade class when he heard this term, "Satan's angels". "I had a newfound skill in guitar and was inspired to form a band". he says. "I liked the metal message Satan's Angels hit me with." From that moment on he was going to look for musicians and what better way than to ask friends? Rob LaPiedra was stopped in the hall for a second, thought deeply about it, and then agreed. "I figured why not help a friend out." Rob says. "He is really good anyway." Then Dan Lee gave it a shot when he heard about this. "I didn't know how far I was going to get with this band since I'm usually accustomed to playing punk." Dan says. "Metal wasn't my favorite genre, but I grew a liking for it with Satan's Angels."
He was just about set until he found he didn't have a bassist. He however was in a music shop and saw a very tall girl that was looking at basses. He approached her and said 'excuse me miss'. The 'girl' turned around and said 'what!?'. It was actually Strobel Schrodinger from behind! "He was so embarrassed so we talked it out and he invited me to play bass for his band." He tells the reporter. Then their first real gig at Costco, the cheapest place who offered free food, was the amazement in talent. Rob was undenyingly good with the six strings and Dan pounded furiously on his drums. "They were mechanical animals at it." Francois recalls. Strobel amazed him the most though. He stunned the crowd with his 7 years of experience at play. "Cliff Burton was a huge influence on my music. And what most people don't realize is that bass isn't just 4 strings." he says. "It has a different sound and a different method to playing it." Strobel uses trichords in 'Show Me the Way', one of the songs in Outnumbered. If you listen closely, you can hear them.
He also guest sang in a couple of songs: 'Show Me the Way', 'Sickly Evil', 'Sons Of Revile'. "I can't hit the high notes like he can." Francois admits. This is a 5 star album, any fan needs to have this.